DATA STRUCTURES is 25 years old today

28.07.23 03:44 AM By Data Structures

As we celebrate our Silver Jubilee we would like to thank our many clients, partners, suppliers and of course our brilliant team for helping us achieve this awesome milestone.

John Kelly (proprietor) says… “Little did I know when I established the company with family support all those years ago, how far we would come. It was never the plan to be the biggest or the wealthiest but to simply provide good old fashioned honest and reliable service to our clients. Specialising in the Telecoms & Renewables sectors helped us greatly to overcome recessions, banking crisis and recent Covid pandemic. We always stayed true to our mission, and we could not have achieved our Silver Anniversary without the enormous support from our clients, partners & staff. I send you all a huge debt of gratitude as we continue towards our next anniversary”.

Data Structures